In the period 2017-2018 the large majority of the Technical Design Reports for the Phase II upgrades of ATLAS and CMS have been approved. These are complex projects with a total envelope of 260 - 270MCHF for each experiment. During the approval process the LHC Committee and the Upgrade Cost Group have relied on the essential help of dedicated expert panels, approximately one per TDR, which have been able to review in detail the physics case, the scientific and technical proposal, as well as the cost, schedule, manpower and management organization of each project. The depth of these reviews and the collaborative and proactive response of the experiments have improved the quality of the projects and the reliability of the cost and schedule planning, leading to an overall increased credibility of the Phase II upgrade program.
These projects are complex and challenging endeavors that require careful tracking and monitoring to ensure a timely execution within the allocated CORE budget and schedule. For this purpose, two Phase II Upgrades Groups (P2UG in short) are instituted, one for ATLAS and one for CMS.
Composition and mandate of the P2UG
The ATLAS and CMS P2UG chairs and regular members are nominated by the CERN DRC, also using the broad expertise available among the members of the Phase II TDRs review panels. The P2UGs report to the DRC and to the LHCC through their chairs. The LHCC and UCG chairs are ex-officio members of the two P2UGs, although they are not expected to participate in every meeting. The P2UGs will monitor the execution of the Phase II upgrade projects, verifying the technical progress, tracking the milestones, and ensuring the level of effort and managerial organization are adequate. They will regularly report to the LHCC about their findings, promptly identifying areas that might require further in-depth investigation, in particular significant deviations from the TDR plans. The P2UGs are also expected to report on the final reviews convened by the experiments before major spending, proving advice to the LHCC and the CERN management on the approval for construction of the projects, described as Step 3 in CERN-LHCC-2015-007. It is expected that each P2UG will meet twice a year with the respective experiment, scheduling the meeting to maximize synergies with the experiment internal review process. CERN will provide centralized support for collecting and maintaining milestones and schedule information uniformly for the two experiments, as well as secretarial support to run the meetings.
The initial mandate for the P2UGs members will be two years, although the P2UGs should remain in place until the installation of the upgrades, currently foreseen during LS3 (Q1/2024-Q2/2026).
Paula COLLINS | Alessandro CARDINI |
Jean-Louis FAURE | Marcel DEMARTEAU (Chair, 2017- ) |
Geoff HALL | Alex KLUGE |
Steve NAHN (Chair, June 2023- ) | Chiara RODA |
Vivian O'DELL | Marcel STANITZKI |
Darien WOOD | Dirk ZERWAS |
Previous Members
ATLAS: Hassan JAWAHERY (2017-2020), Mauro MORANDIN (Chair, 2017-2020) (2021-2023), Dave NEWBOLD (Chair, 2021- May 2023), Pierluigi PAOLUCCI (2017-2023)
CMS: Gianluigi CASSE (2017-2020), Roman POESCHL (2017-2022), Petra RIEDLER (2018-2022)