LHC Computing Resources Scrutiny Group (CRSG)

The purpose of the C-RSG is to inform the decisions of the Computing Resources Review Board (C-RRB) for the LHC experiments.

According to the WLCG Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the starting point of the scrutiny is the request information presented at the spring C-RRB meeting and any guidance that the C-RRB cares to give. From that moment the CRSG enters into a sustained dialogue with each experiment seeking to understand to what extent the computing resource requests are well motivated. The recommendations are presented in the RRB autumn meeting.

Every year the CRSG should scrutinize

  • The resource accounting figures for the preceding year
  • The use the experiments made of these resources
  • The overall request for resources for every experiment for the following year and forecasts for the subsequent two years
  • The CRSG shall also examine the match between the refereed requests and  the pledges from the Institutions.
  • The CRSG shall make recommendations concerning apparent under-funding This is the first time that such an independent and detailed scrutiny of the computing yearly request is carried out.

Chairperson: José Hernandez Calama (CIEMAT, Spain)
Scientific Secretary: Andrea Valassi, IT Department