LHC Experiments Committee (LHCC)

The LHCC was set up after the March 1992 meeting in Evian-les-Bains, where Expressions of Interest were presented. Intensive interaction between the Committee and the Collaborations is required in order to converge on the detector designs, and to review the construction, installation and commissioning of the experiments. Like other experiment committees, the LHCC makes recommendations to the CERN Research Board.

The LHCC also reviews the World LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) Project. The latter makes available to the LHCC for review documents and reports from the project, including its Technical Design Report.

The LHCC was also responsible for reviewing the remaining detector R&D projects (RD42, RD50, RD51 and RD53).

Chairperson: Frank Simon (MPI, Munich)
Scientific Secretary: Lorenzo Moneta, EP Department