Membership Criteria


Ex-officio :
Director for Research and Computing
EP Department Head or Representatives
SY Department Head or Representatives
ISOLDE Group Leader
ISOLDE Technical Coordinator
ISOLDE Target Group Representative
HIE-ISOLDE Project Leader
n_TOF Spokesperson
n_TOF Technical Coordinator
n_TOF Physics Coordinator
Targets and Ion Sources Representative
SPS/PS Coordinator

Members : Experts appointed by the Director for Research. A Chairperson and 10 members (may vary), appointed for an initial period of 2 years. Can be extended for another 2. Exceptionally 5.
Scientific Secretary : Senior CERN physicist, in principle the ISOLDE Physics Coordinator


Director for Research and Computing
Director for Accelerators and Technology
BE Department Head
EP Department Head
TE Department Head
TH Department Head
TH-LPCC Representative
IT Department Representative
LHC Programme Coordinator
SPS/PS Coordinator
Members : Experts appointed by the Director for Research. A Chairperson and 15 members (may vary), appointed for an initial period of 2 years. Can be extended for another 2. Exceptionally 5.
Scientific Secretary : Senior CERN physicist, appointed by the Director for Research.

Research Board

Director-General (Chairperson)
Director for Research and Computing
Director for Accelerators and Technology
Director for Finance and Human Resources
BE Department Head
EN Department Head
EP Department Head
HSE Unit Head
IT Department Head
SY Department Head
TE Department Head
TH Department Head
INTC Chairperson
LHCC Chairperson
SPSC Chairperson
ISOLDE Coordinator
LHC Programme Coordinator
SPS/PS Coordinator
Staff Association Representative

Scientific Secretary : Senior CERN physicist, appointed by the Director-General.


Ex-officio :
Director for Research and Computing
Director for Accelerators and Technology
BE Department Head or Representatives
EP Department Head or Representatives
TH Department Representative
SPS/PS Coordinator

Members : Experts appointed by the Director for Research. A Chairperson and 14 members (may vary), appointed for an initial period of 2 years. Can be extended for another 2. Exceptionally 5.
Scientific Secretary : Senior CERN physicist, appointed by the Director for Research.